Sunday, 15 January 2017
Working With My Inner Child
Saturday, 7 January 2017
New Year, No Fear!
Saturday, 01/07/16:
Happy New Year! I took a break from blogging for a while... sometimes it's good to just let life happen without documenting it. I've been very focused on improving my dance space (with a lot of help from my husband). It's coming along but I am needing to really practice patience.
A challenge that has come up for me is my deepest wound throughout my life (and probably past lives as well) around rejection and abandonment. This really got triggered around my best friend Nicole leaving and the old pattern of every time I open up to someone, they leave. I knew it would hurt, but didn't know it would hurt THIS much. I see how this wound is also blocking me from being really successful with my business and pursuing my dreams. To be a good sales person for example you have to be open to lots of rejection. And to succeed you need to be willing to fail. The fear of making a mistake or the wrong decision keeps coming up too, which prevents me from fully committing whole heartedly to something. If I kind of commit, I'll kind of get the results I want. My mantra right now is, "New Year, No Fear!"
Feel free to share in the comments section below: What are your fears? What's holding you back from achieving the outcome you want? What resolutions/intentions do you have for 2017?