Mantak Chia owns Tao Gardens and lives on the property. The theme for the workshop was how to transform negative emotions (stored in the organs) into positive energy. I've always been able to feel energy, so it was good to learn more about how to use it. The energy was so powerful in the room, with everyone building chi at the same time. My experience was that it felt like the ocean, with waves pulling me in different directions.
Sunday, 28 July 2019
Mantak Chia Workshop
Mantak Chia owns Tao Gardens and lives on the property. The theme for the workshop was how to transform negative emotions (stored in the organs) into positive energy. I've always been able to feel energy, so it was good to learn more about how to use it. The energy was so powerful in the room, with everyone building chi at the same time. My experience was that it felt like the ocean, with waves pulling me in different directions.
Thursday, 18 July 2019
Does Purpose Determine Our Happiness?
What gives you a feeling of purpose? Is it money, helping people, family, making someone smile etc and what are the motives for your purpose? If it is merely greed or survival that drives you, coming from a place of lack or struggle, it won't make you happy. If you have a pattern of not being satisfied, it might drive you to achieve more success, but not necessarily guarantee your happiness. That feeling of restlessness and dissatisfaction is sometimes what makes us create new possibilites and raise our standards.
I believe the key is finding meaning in the small things and simply appreciating life on a daily basis. Happiness is a choice. Practicing gratitude and having a good attitude. We can always find something to complain about and something to be grateful for. So yes, purpose is important, but I don't think it has to determine our happiness.
Friday, 12 July 2019
Something I've been thinking about lately is how humans are so wired to seek newness and how quickly things get boring, whether it's a new relationship, a travel destination or material possessions etc. It stems from our primal urge to hunt, seek and find and it triggers a dopamine rush when we get what we want. Personally, I think it is one of the most challenging things about being human and one of the roots of addiction. Addiction to highs, resulting in dissatisfaction with boredom. There is a purpose for it and without that unsatisfied feeling we wouldn't grow and seek change.
Being ok with mundane life is one of the hardest things to achieve, being ok in that neutral place inside that is neither high or low. But once you find it, it can be one of the most satisfying and peaceful feelings.
I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments below. Is it hard for you to feel content? Is there a purpose with feeling unsatisfied?
Thursday, 11 July 2019
Things I've learned about Thailand
So far I've been having a good time riding around on a scooter with my husband, seeing the city and all its diversity. Chiang Mai has pretty much anything you're looking for, from cozy small European cafés and old towns to modern shopping centers. You can try a different restaurant every time you go out to eat and the living expenses are about 50% of what they are on Maui. If you go to a restaurant that caters to the tourists, the menu will most likely display the range of spiciness. If you go to a restaurant that has a lot of locals, you might want to ask for "less spicy".
Most Thai people don't speak a lot of English, so I've learned three words so far: thank you "Khob khun ka", hello "Sah wah dee khrap!", and they call Caucasians "farong". If you want to get food to go you say "takeaway" and if you need to use the restroom you say "toilet". When you are ready for your check at a restuarant, point your finger downward and stir in a circular motion.
There are a lot of trip hazards, especially when entering bathrooms because the way they clean the floors is by hosing them and letting the water go down the drain. In a lot of places they do not provide napkins, paper towels, toilet seat covers or toilet paper, so it is good to carry some with you. Trash cans are also harder to find.
Businesses close really late, most locals work at least 10-hour days, so you can go to the dentist at 6 pm or get a massage at 8 pm.
A few downsides of living in a city in Thailand is that the air quality is very bad and they have a rice burning season, just like they used to on Maui. Usually the summers are incredibly muggy and hot, but we have lucked out with the weather and most of the time it has been pretty overcast. Luckily the cost of A/C is affordable here. It's been really nice living in a bigger apartment that costs about four times less than on Maui. I suspect it will be a challenging adjustment returning to our tiny cottage back home...
Saturday, 6 July 2019
Venturing out into the World!
Thursday, 4 July 2019
"How's Thailand?"
The Long Trip
The next flight was also business class, five hours from Seoul to Bangkok, Thailand. From there I took a shuttle to a nice hotel, BS Suvarnabhumi Residence (only $20 a night) and got to shower and get a good night's sleeeep after 19 hours of traveling.