Thursday, 30 June 2016

Road trip to Victoria!

Leaving for Rhode Island tomorrow - had a wonderful time here in Vancouver Island. So peaceful, comforting and relaxing. I'm going to miss my dad and Penny (and Louie, who might not be around much longer)... Looking forward to seeing my bestie, Nicole though!

My dad and I did a road trip to Victoria Tuesday and stopped at the Butchart Gardens. So incredibly beautiful and magical! Like the garden of Eden... Got to ride on a giraffe on a merry-go-round too!

Had the best seafood chowder at a bar in Courtney!

We spent the night at Wendy's new house in Sooke out in the woods. I was ready to move in. Great if you want to get away from everything and everyone. Got to meet her 25-yr old son Sebastian, who I've heard so much about, and her friend Noel. She had a couple cats and a dog too.

Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Growing, Shedding, Living, Loving

I worry too much. Trying to plan and figure everything out. Every single step. I want to grow, I want to shed, I want to live, I want to love. I know that the more I let go on this trip and don’t plan too much, the more I’ll get the answers I need regarding life path, career, where to live in the world, relationships… Get in touch with my wild fearless animal self. Just like when I came to Maui and was open to experiences – not labeling anything as good or bad… not being afraid of making a mistake. Not knowing the next step is the scariest but also the most exhilarating thing. I know the Universe has something big planned for me. I can feel it.

Sunday, 26 June 2016

Vancouver Island

Arrived yesterday early morning in Vancouver and had a 4 hr layover to catch a small jetplan to Qualicum Beach in Vancouver Island.

Luckily I was able to get some sleep on the night flight because the airplane was pretty empty and I could lay down, but I was still tired. I was able to stay awake all day though when I arrived. I was greeted by my dad and his girlfriend Penny. My dad lives in Edmonton but flies over to Penny’s a lot to see her. I came and visited them for a week last summer, so it felt very familiar and like not much time had passed by. It was nice to see them again and Penny’s dog Louie, who is 105 in human years. Sweetest dog ever!

This morning Penny went to Vancouver for a couple days to see her daughter. My dad and I went to the farmers market and took Louie for a beautiful walk. This was the first time I was seeing new sights on my trip and it was confirmation that I am on the right track and this is exactly what I need right now. That “Aaah…” feeling. I was definitely feeling island fever after living on Maui the past 10 years! Also nice to get away from the heat in Kihei. The weather outside was beautiful and a lot chillier than what I was used to. Nice to get some quality time with my dad and we had some deep meaningful philosophical conversations on our walk (my favorite kind). My dad  is the ultimate Taurus (and I have my moon in Taurus) so we both enjoy simple pleasures such as good food, listening to jazz music, enjoying the garden, being at home and in nature and having meaningful conversions.

Friday, 24 June 2016


Haven’t blogged in years, but am ready to get back into it. At the Kahului Airport now waiting to board a flight to Vancouver to start a big adventure! I felt emotional yesterday and this morning about leaving, but as I got busy getting ready I started to feel excited. I am now 28 years old and my husband who I’ve been with for 10 years is being very supportive of me doing this trip by myself. It’s finally happening! It feels like it’s been a long wait because my soul has been craving this for the past couple years. I built up the courage to quit my mundane construction office job and don’t know what the next step is, but what I do know is that it’s time to break out of the cocoon and spread my wings. I have needed security and stability for a long time, but now reached the point where safe feels boring. I’ve only booked one-ways so far to Vancouver Island, Boston, Rhode Island, NYC and Sweden, and from there I’m going to follow my intuition. Stay tuned!