Monday, 14 November 2016

The Journey is Complete

I don't feel that same fear of life and the unknown as I did when I got pneumonia. I am so happy I didn't follow the fear-based decision of going to massage school before I knew what I really wanted to do, and that my pneumonia stopped me from doing it and instead forced me to stay put and do some deep inner work and relaxation and continue on this journey. I am happy Jill's father inspired me to go to Madeira before I got sick and that even though I wasn't planning on going because it was too expensive, I found that cheap last-minute deal. The psychic told me Zen might join me at some point on this journey when the timing was right, and it was perfect and a nice surprise.

This journey has been such a good teacher in learning to trust in the Universal plan. I cannot make the wrong decision because no matter which way I choose, things will turn out exactly as they are supposed to. It's like the GPS navigator - if you get lost, it finds another way to get you to your destination.

I have gained a stronger belief in myself, a deeper sense of inner independence and freedom, reconnected with loved ones and made new connections, gained new inspiration, gotten to know myself better, worked through fear and practiced trusting. I am excited to see how I will choose to design my life from here on. Let the new beginnings start! The last cards in the tarot reading I got from the psychic before I left Maui were "Triumphant Success" and "Victory & Success". It HAS been a success!

I thank you for following along on this adventure and hope it has been inspiring for you. Feel free to share your reflections in the comments section below. Aloha!

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