Monday 18 July 2016


Woke up at 11 AM! We spent the day cleaning and cooking and meditated together and then Mats came and drove us to the train and we went back to Stockholm around 9 PM. Slept in my mom's apartment - my old home when I was in High School. 

We rowed over to Järna for a lunch buffet and Mats came and joined us.

We checked out the theatre there (it was empty) and went to a small shop.

In the evening our old friend Hasse and his son, Noak came over for dinner and we played games and had a music jam until midnight and they spent the night. So hard to not stay up late here because the sun sets around 10/11 PM.

Perfect day - meditated for an hour in the morning, which was really powerful and easy out here in the countryside. Then we walked to the lake and went for swim (I thought it was too cold so I didn't jump in... I'm so spoiled).

The weather was hot. My mom took a nap when we got back home, while her boyfriend gave a me an inspiring and helpful guitar lesson out in the garden. Then we made a delicious dinner and goofed off and sang along with the Beatles Greatest Hits and went for another walk under the full moon (with the cat) and picked raspberries at 10 PM.

Got sucked in and watched a really good Swedish movie on TV called "Kyss Mig" and stayed up until about 2 AM.

Left my godmother's today to go stay with my mom and her boyfriend where they're housesitting in Mörkö with two cats and a bird. We visited an old friend Staffan and his wife, Joy on the way. I took the train, bus, then walked about 20 minutes and my mom rowed a boat across the lake to come get me! 

It's so incredibly beautiful, still and peaceful out here and the two cats, Hercules & Sessa are really sweet. One of them followed us the whole way on our walk in the evening under the full moon! The bird is sweet too. We stayed up until midnight watching a funny Charlie Chaplin movie, "The Dictator".




I am - shifting, transforming and practicing my new skills and realizing how much I've grown spiritually, emotionally and mentally. My godmother is a very powerful woman and it was like a spiritual retreat being at her house and she helped prepare me for the next step.

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